Ikariam Scripts
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Dance Party - userscripts.org. Below is a list of approved scripts / tools. Any tool or script NOT on this list are not approved and should not be used by anyone. Some scripts may or may not work here on ikariam.com because they were originally made for ikariam.org. Animated Ikariam Provides animated graphics for FireFox, Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8, and Opera users.
X force cs6 keygen. 'Ikariam Enhanced UI' is a Greasemonkey script which brings some enhancements for the user interface of Ikariam. It is possible to run the script in both versions (mobile & desktop), but not all funtions can be used in both versions. The scripts functions are organized in modules so you are able to enable or disable a single funtion of the script. Ikariam Scripts. For more Information, read below. To find Ikariam Cheats and Bots, click here. For Educational Use Only Ikarim Cheatsing General Methods There is a. Ikariam Private ServerIkariam Battles - Browsergames - 8 Replies Hallo i just made a small server 24/7 with izariam files come to play Website under review: Ikariam help - Browsergames - 0 Replies.
Ikariam Scripts Wiki
- 2. Paste this code to the console and press ENTER.
- 3. Type CPRun(mode) to the console and press ENTER to start the script with the mode you want (0: 2m30s, 1: 7m30s, 2: 15m, 3: 30m, and so on).
- 4. F5 will stop the script. If you want to rerun it, start again from step 1.
- Enjoy!
- */
- var captureBtnList = document.querySelectorAll('a.button.capture'),
- pirateFortress = document.querySelector('#js_CityPosition17Link'),
- progressTime = document.querySelector('#missionProgressTime'),
- captcha = document.querySelector('img.captchaImage');
- var captchaInput = document.querySelector('input#captcha'),
- captchaSubmitBtn = document.querySelector('input.button[value='Capture']');
- var noti =new Audio('https://notificationsounds.com/soundfiles/c6e19e830859f2cb9f7c8f8cacb8d2a6/file-sounds-1128-beyond-doubt-2.mp3');
- setTimeout(CPRun,5*1000, mode);
- elseif(progressTime !=null){
- var ptime = progressTime.innerText.replace(' ',').replace(/D/g,' ').trim().split(' ').map(Number);
- ptime = ptime[0]*3600+ ptime[1]*60+ ptime[2];
- elseif(ptime.length2){
- }
- ptime = ptime[0];
- // alert(ptime);
- setTimeout(CPRun,Math.floor(ptime+Math.random()*5)*1000, mode);
- elseif(pirateFortress.title'Free Building Ground'){
- alert('Pirate fortress hasn't been built in this town!')
- }
- if(captureBtnList.length0){
- setTimeout(CPRun,4*1000, mode);
- elseif(mode >= captureBtnList.length){
- alert('Your pirate fortress hasn't reached the required level to access to this run (mode='+mode+')');
- }
- var captureBtn = captureBtnList[mode]
- click(captureBtn);
- setTimeout(CPRun,Math.floor(Math.random()*5)*1000, mode);
- elseif(pirateFortress !=null){
- setTimeout(CPRun,Math.floor(Math.random()*5)*1000, mode);
- else{
- setTimeout(CPRun,Math.floor(Math.random()*5)*1000, mode);
- }
- return0;
- function click(node){
- var x = rect.x+Math.floor(Math.random()*rect.width), y = rect.y+Math.floor(Math.random()*rect.height);
- 'view': window,
- 'cancelable':true,
- 'screenY': y +Math.floor(Math.random()*50),
- 'clientY': y,
- 'pageY': y,
- node.dispatchEvent(ev);
- }