Sosefont For Thought
- Sosefont For Thoughts
- Sosefont For Thought Meaning
- Sose Font For Thought Happy
- Sose Font For Thought Provoking

2497 quotes have been tagged as food-for-thought: Jess C. Scott: ‘The human body is the best work of art.’, Jess C Scott: ‘A fit, healthy body—that is th. Synonyms for thought include consideration, deliberation, reflection, attention, regard, contemplation, examination, forethought, interest and notice.
Google Scholar search results:

I have not used google scholar before when searching for articles. I found I needed to try many of the Boolean search terms to make my search more specific to what I was searching for.
Here are some examples of Boolean operations that assist searching.
This is a table of the search strings and results within Google Scholar.
When I began my search in google scholar I was impressed by the quality of articles that the search generated. I added a few of the Boolean operators to assist my search strings. Again I began my search with inquiry learning, and then added alternate searches which included:
“inquiry learning”, “inquiry model”, “inquiry learning” (history OR “SOSE” OR “HSIE”) (primary OR elementary), “Inquiry learning” history (primary OR elementary OR “middle school”), “inquiry learning” history (“Australian Curriculum” OR “Primary School”).
Sosefont For Thoughts
To allow for full access to documents within google scholar I activated the QUT library within library links in settings.
This was a crucial step to allow viewing of some documents without having to pay. While having this access allowed for exploration of a wider range of documents within the search it was also distracting as it took several extra tabs to get to the document. When accessing the document through QUT databases, it also suggested documents with similar topics that I was not able to see in my original google scholar search, therefore increasing my access to relevant information. This process would be acceptable if you knew the document you were looking for as this would allow you to easy access, however, in my search when opening many documents that seemed relevant to my search it was very laborious as it was easy to get off track in the search process.
I found that even though I had specified history (and other variations) in my search string some of the results included science, historical perspectives, and again primary source. When I adapted my search to say primary school, it did not generate many extra relevant resources.
Questions arising from my research:

– When searching in the databases is it going to be restricting applying too many boolean operations in one search or is it going to give me more accurate documents?
Search operators – Search Help – Google Help. 2013. 24 Aug. 2014 <>
After I finished my previous post, one line kept buzzing in my head.
‘Mathematics is about thought, not the content of thought, but the form in which we can hold the content of thought.’
And at the same time I was searching for a picture to visualise how that could be. Sort of structures that come into existence from an underlying ‘something’.
See if I can get the essence out of that sentence:
Mathematics = Form
Thoughts = Content
It got me thinking about what exactly the content is. And it also made me wonder if, instead of mathmatics, I also could use ‘language’, or ‘words’.
So something like:
Sosefont For Thought Meaning
Language is about thought, not the content of thought, but the form in which we can hold the content of thought (which might be the whole psyche, not just thoughts).
And in short:
Language = Form
Psyche = Content
Not the same as the orgininal line, but somehow this seems true as well. Or again getting back to the Core model on this blog:
Sose Font For Thought Happy
Language (or conceps, consciousness, symbols, etc) = Structure
Sose Font For Thought Provoking
Psyche (or thoughts, feelings, subconscious, sensations, etc) = Potential
The psyche as an ongoing process of unfolding. And language that brings the psyche into existence.
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Together with the other couple of energy and matter.
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